Exam Implementation Rules
Dear Cyprus Science University Student,
During the exam, the following rules will be applied:
While taking the exam, you need to make sure that your internet is working properly and that there is no problem with your computer / tablet or mobile device. Cyprus Science University recommends Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers for efficient use in the exams by the Distance Education System. You are responsible for the problems caused by browsers used except for our recommendations.
Online exam is carried out through MICROSOFT TEAMS with your corporate e-mail (e-mail with stu.csu.edu.tr extension) given to you by Cyprus Science University.
All electronic devices, except the device you use to take the exam, must be turned off (For example, if you are taking the exam on your mobile phone other devices such as tablet, computer, etc. must be off.)
Make sure that any earphones or electronic devices making sound are completely turned off during the exam.
You must complete the exam within the time duration determined by the instructor of the related course. Your lecturer will prompt you to start sending the exam papers 5 minutes before the end of the exam. At the end of the exam duration, no extra time will be given and your answers will not be accepted if you send your answers after the exam duration and you will be deemed not to take the exam.
You can return to the questions you have left blank later on during the exam within the exam duration.
If you will not be able to continue the exam due to the reasons beyond control (power cut, internet connection cut off, device failure, etc.), you can use the remaining time by re-entering the exam session before the exam ends. However, we would like to remind you that after the end of the exam period or when you click the “SUBMIT” button, your exam will be completed and you will not be able to take the exam again. In this case, you need to fill out the “Make-up Exam Application Form” (https://csu.tc/mazeret) on KİUS and add the evidence showing the problems you have experienced.
In case of technical problems that may occur during the exam, send an e-mail to [email protected] with your corporate e-mail address (e-mail address with stu extension) and specify the problem. Thus, the problem you are experiencing will be recorded. In addition, contact your lecturer or invigilator who is present at the exam session. If your problem is not resolved until the end of the exam, you can apply for the make-up exam by filling out the "Make-up Exam Application Form" (http://csu.tc/mazeret).
Your exam environment should be quiet, calm and a closed area where there is nobody else. You are obliged to answer the exam questions without any source of information or without support from other person/people.
During the exam, taking screenshots and recording images related to the examination system screen are strictly prohibited. Copying and sharing exam questions without any written permission from the exam responsible is a criminal act and it has a criminal responsibility. Exams of students who are determined to violate the ethics will be deemed invalid and disciplinary action will be initiated about them in accordance with the relevant provisions of Cyprus Science University Associate Degree and Undergraduate Education Regulation.
In the event of detection of the actions of students such as, entering the exam on behalf of someone or having someone take the exam on behalf of the real person, their exam will be deemed invalid and the necessary discipline process will be started immediately pursuant to the Cyprus Science University Student Discipline Regulation
Course Code-Course Name :
Exam date :
Exam start time and end time :
Exam responsible :
Exam invigilator :
Be informed that you will be deemed to have accepted all of these rules when you click the Next button.
Good luck!