Cyprus Science University Graduation Ceremony Participation Rules


Cyprus Science University is proud to invite its students to the graduation ceremony to be held on June 28, 2024. To ensure the event proceeds smoothly, the following criteria and procedures have been established:


Participation Requirements:


Credit Requirements:


Two-Year Programs: Students must have completed at least 80 ECTS credits.

Four-Year Programs: Students must have accumulated at least 200 ECTS credits.

Graduate Programs: Participation is limited to students who are in the thesis phase.

Ceremony Participation Form:


Students wishing to attend the ceremony must complete the Ceremony Participation Form by June 24, 2024. Submitting more than one form or failing to submit a form will result in the application being deemed invalid.


Additional Requirements:


Rehearsal Participation: Graduates participating in the ceremony are required to attend the rehearsals. This is crucial for ensuring orderly movement and coordination during the ceremony.

Gown Distribution: Gowns will not be distributed on the day of the graduation.


Important Dates:


Application Deadline: June 24, 2024

1st Rehearsal Date: June 24,2024

2nd Rehersal Date: June 27, 2024

Graduation Ceremony: June 28, 2024


We request adherence to these rules and eagerly look forward to celebrating this significant day with our graduates.


 Formu doldurmak için lütfen tıklayınız. / Click Here to fill out the form.

Cyprus Science UniversityDr. Fazıl Küçük Caddesi No. 80 Ozanköy, Girne Kuzey Kıbrıs31Turkey